Miss Salish Pend d' Oreille 2015
Tashina Matt is crowned 2015 Miss Salish Pend d' Oreille.
- Must be a member or descendant of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
- Must be a full time student
- Must be alcohol and drug free
- Must not have children or become pregnant during reign of 2017-2018 year
- Must not display inappropriate public display of affection
- Must conduct self in a respectful manner at all times.
- Once selected, must participate as an active member of the Arlee Celebration Committee. This includes planning and fund-raising for the 120th Annual Arlee Celebration.
- Must be the official representative at all community-cultural events.
- Must act as a positive role model.
- During attendance of any powwows/celebrations, throughout reign of 2017-2018, must be in full regalia during grand entries, and must wear the Crown/Sash.
- During attendance of other powwows/celebrations, must respect the hosts in their manner of celebrations, which includes dancing in the appropriate direction, according to each tribe.
- During attendance of any powwows/celebrations, throughout reign of 2017-2018, must participate in honor dance, intertribals and social dances.
- Must orate and appropriate greeting during powwows/celebrations which represents the Arlee Celebration.
- Must not conduct or be any part of any illegal activity during reign of 2017-2018 year.
Royalty must relinquish the title to the first runner-up if they cannot or will not fulfill the duties and obligations. Royalty will be asked to relinquish the title if they do not fulfill the obligations and requirements stated. There will be a meeting with the royalty, the royalties parents/guardians and the celebration committee if the royalty recipients are unable to fill the duties as stated.